
Happy Birthday!

Posted in by Kourtney | Edit

Today is my birthday. Woo! I'm gifting myself with a new cell phone (only because, strangely enough, my upgrade date landed on my birthday. I'm taking it as a sign.).

Birthdays used to be so exciting. I used to count down months in advance, and couldn't believe just how long that last week took to pass. Now I almost forget that they're coming up (almost).

I love watching my nephew wait in anticipation of his birthday in May. May 1st comes along and he's asking every day, "How many more days until my day?" His birthday is on the 21st, so this goes on for 3 weeks before anything happens. But the day before is the best- almost better than his actual birthday. You can almost see the excitement bubbling up inside him. Cupcakes at school, presents at home- how does it get any better when you're 8 years old?

I felt much the same way waiting for my 21st. I had the entire weekend planned. And the month before dragged on and on. Why can't all of them be so exciting?

Oh well. For now, I'll enjoy my day of attention and relish in the fact that I still get carded at the gas station.

Kourtney scribbled at 12:58 am


  1. bloggingforliving says:

    Happy birthday to you and I hope you'll find yourself in that bigger town than what you're used to. I read more of your blogs esp why the wedding didn't pushed through. Looks like you're okay now have a happy celebration!

    September 24, 2009 at 9:15 AM

  2. bloggingforliving says:

    BTW I'm also on a journey of finding oneself! :) Long way to go for me. see you around.

    September 24, 2009 at 9:18 AM

  3. Sharon says:

    Birthdays are FANTASTIC, the alternative sucks! Enjoy your birthday week/month!

    September 25, 2009 at 2:51 PM

  4. Carrie says:

    Happy Birthday!!!!!! :)
    ...a little late. Lol.

    Thanks for following!

    November 5, 2009 at 10:23 AM

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