
Lovable, huggable, and a little disarming

Posted in by Kourtney | Edit
My dog is a lot like me; a little insane, but mostly just fun. He can be temperamental, but only if I leave him alone for too long. Sometimes he makes me angry. But most of the time, he just makes me smile.

Today I went to see a movie. (By the way, Funny People was funny- you should see it!) While I was gone, my dog decided the coffee table looked like a nice place to lay down. Therefore, he knocked off my candles- along with the decorative sand in the glass votive jars. But he was so excited to see me that I couldn't be mad at him- I simply got out the vaccuum and cleaned up the mess.

They say the dog is man's best friend. I believe it. He's always happy to see me, and if I upset him, he forgets about it 3 seconds later. He's loyal and loving and everything I need after a long day. His name is perfect- he is my Romeo!

Kourtney scribbled at 10:11 pm


  1. Organic Meatbag says:

    Dogs are the best! He's a cute little guy!

    September 18, 2009 at 1:01 PM

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